Add set -x PATH {your npm path} node_modules/.bin $PATH
to ~/.config/fish/
Global package
To use globally installed npm packages' commands, you have to add .bin directory to path. The command is set -x PATH {your npm path} $PATH
, which means set a variable to name PATH, with value {your path} and current value $PATH. Space between values works like an add. You can type this command in terminal or create a file ~/.config/fish/
and save the command in it. Fish runs this config file automatically when launching. To check your npm path, use npm config get prefix
Local package
The above fix only works for globally installed packages. Binary files for local packages exist in every project folders, but it seems hugely inefficient to add EVERY folder to the path. Fortunately, the path variable supports relative entries, so we only have to add one path, which is node_modules/.bin
. The command will be like set -x PATH node_modules/.bin $PATH